

Mighty Networks

Mighty Networks

Chat is a feature that I designed and was built along with three other engineers. Mighty Networks is an online platform for creators and brands to build communities. When I joined, it was severely lacking in content and the only way to interact with an audience was to make posts to a feed or scheduled Zoom events.

Chat is a feature that I designed and was built along with three other engineers. Mighty Networks is an online platform for creators and brands to build communities. When I joined, it was severely lacking in content and the only way to interact with an audience was to make posts to a feed or scheduled Zoom events.

Project Details



Senior Designer

Senior Designer



Web, iOS, iPadOS, Android, Web

Web, iOS, iPadOS, Android, Web






Problem Summary

Mighty Networks had ambitions to scale to keep up with and possibly leapfrog the competition. But first, we had to fix what existed. The chat feature was inconsistent across all apps, had an extremely low-quality implementation riddled with bugs, and was not ready to scale.Chat desperately needed the love that only a designer could give it.

Chat Before & After

Chat Details Before & After

Old vs New Chat Menu

Old vs New Chat Drawer

Old vs New Chat Expanded

Future Ambitions


The updated Chat screens were a huge success and received a lot of praise from hosts.